All My Favorite Tools –
Do you want to get rid of grass and weeds that come up through cracks in your sidewalk and driveway? I have 2 options that will make quick work of this annoying and frequent maintenance item.
0:00 Intro
0:46 Removing Grass and Weeds From Cracks In Driveway
2:37 How To Stop Grass and Weeds From Coming Back
3:31 How To Permanently Fix The Issue
4:04 Permanent Solution: Installing Backer Rod
5:15 Permanent Solution: Recommended Types of Sealant
6:13 Permanent Solution: Applying Sealant
7:59 Finished Product
Free Home Maintenance Checklist:
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All My Favorite Tools –
Free Home Maintenance Checklist:
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.
This could have been a 3 minute video
I’ve never heard of backer rod.
Roundup once every 10 years works for me
You should sweep the soil after, your neighbour's won't like that on their street
I bet ya, you've been told you look a lot like Josh Lucas the actor.
I can't wait to use your sales promo to buy this product… Just before I do. Let me check Honey to give them the last click. You know? I don't feel sorry for any of you sales people.
Doable with these huge concrete slabs. Over here we usually have brick driveways and patios so this is way too much work and possibly too expensive as well. I hope you have a doable solution at some point for bricked driveways.
Why not just use boiling water or vinegar?
10 Respondió Jesús y le dijo: ¿Eres tú maestro de Israel y no sabes estas cosas? 11 De cierto, de cierto os digo que hablamos lo que sabemos y testificamos lo que hemos visto, y vosotros no recibís Nuestro testimonio. 12 Si os he dicho cosas terrenas y no creéis, ¿cómo creeréis si os digo las celestiales? 13 Nadie subió al cielo sino el que descendió del cielo, es decir, el Hijo del Hombre que está en el cielo. 14 Y como Moisés levantó la serpiente en el desierto, así es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea levantado, 15 para que todo aquel que en él cree no perezca, sino que tenga vida eterna. 16 Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna. 17 Porque Dios no envió a su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para que el mundo sea salvo por él. 18 El que cree en él, no es condenado; pero el que no cree, ya está condenado, porque no ha creído en el nombre del unigénito Hijo de Dios (YHVH, El Shaddai, Adonai, Dios de Jacob, de Isaac y de Abraham). Juan 3:10-18
round up, round up, round up
Congratulations! This is a permanent action for water runoff that causes flooding, not to mention soil nutrient depletion, even if it concerns driveway cracks. Why not conceive a natural design that needs weeds and grass in the gap to allow rainwater to drain into the ground to avoid runoff?
Those foam fillers can help but when the ground underneath shifts, the caulk will split or tear away from the concrete. Its like caulking /painting a building or house. If it shifts, caulk will pull away. You have to maintain it every few years in parts of the country because of temperature🤗i do like the way it looks better and sand can minimize junk getting in but weed and grass can penetrate caulk and sand. You do a good job though!
Even if you edge or whatever you do, its just temporary. My advice: anything you do to your yard is temporary because you have to eventually have to maintain it. Thats just a fact. Too many people spend too much on too many products that are temporary. If you dont have time to maintain anything, its not going to stay long.
What is the sealant?
I liked using that thick, black, roofing tar stuff in the giant caulk tubes. Same thing, like this, only then, it’s black, so, it attracts lots of heat to cook all signs of vegetation roots right outta there, for years to come.
You shouln't do this everywhere. Because rain water cannot sweep away anymore.
I know the tree huggers will be horrified, but I use the old engine oil kept from when I do oil changes on my 4WD. Carefully pour that in these cracks, and spray it on areas where you don't want the weeds to grow, and you'll never have another problem. The laneway behind my back yard was overgrown with weeds when we first bought this house – there is no sign of weeds out there now, and all I have ever used is old sump oil. The oil breaks down pretty quickly once poured onto the ground, and there is no sign of any oil where I have used it.
Sorry. I am English and in England but I have no idea what that 'rod' thing is that you pressed into the expansion joint? Thanks for the video.
round up
The finish looks like you grouted it.
Why not use grout?
wow… you americans are crazy.. just a bit of grass, what's the big deal
Excellent directions, sand is a great idea, looks sooo much better than exposed calk.
It is an expansion joint for a reason… genius…
Hosing dirt into the street… I'm afraid that's an HOA violation, we're going to have to put a lean on your property now.
How slow this idiot talks is unbearable! Video could be 6 minutes shorter…