Late Summer Plot Tour 2024: Vegetable Garden, Manchester, UK.



It’s the end of August and we have been busy! How are the plots doing and Rachel gets scared by a wasp.

At Don’t Crop Me Now we have 500sq.m of space comprising 1 full plot and 2 halves and follow a ‘No Dig’ method in raised beds. We grow a wide range of fruit, veg and flowers which supply our kitchen all year round. We are not fully self-sufficient, but we shop very rarely.

#allotment #growyourown #kitchengarden

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  1. Hi, love love love your videos! can you please suggest the best fruit and veg to grow + harvest for each month. As a newbie gardener, Im not sure whats the best thing to grow and when in Manchester. Thank you in advance.

  2. Hi Rachel, I didn't manage to make it to the allotment fete, I only live in Rowland Ave, but I had done my back in, I could hear the band playing and everything, but I couldn't have walked round the corner, so sorry I didn't get to meet you, I have got a tomato glut at the moment, I'm going to make chutney at weekend, I still can't walk too far but I'm getting there, the weather has been quite wet this year and it's been a job just keeping the weeds down, I've only done tomatoes and strawberries this year, I get the foxes too they have dug holes at the bottom of the garden, and they have taken one or two wood pigeons, but I have to say I do love them they are beautiful creatures, although the dog might disagree, love the vlogs xxx

  3. Your plots look amazing, so abundant. Please tell me your secret for the blueberries and how you get them to crop so much! Mine are in tubs, in a greenhouse, and although tasty, nowhere near as many berries as yours.


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