Massive House Renovation START to FINISH | HUGE PROFIT!



Renovating a house takes years of experience to do it right and in today’s video I show you exactly how I completely transformed this house and sold it for a huge profit!

The floor plan was completely closed in the living room and kitchen so we knocked down the wall separating the rooms and created a beautiful open floor plan. Each room was outdated so we remodeled each part of the house to have a modern feel to it. One of the biggest issues we faced was only having 1 bathroom upstairs that everyone shared that only the master bedroom had access to. We got creative and took some closet space to create another bathroom that both guest bedrooms have access to. Another issue was the master bedroom only had 1 closet. In order to get top dollar for your property you need a his and hers and that’s exactly what we did.

Typically projects like this can take a year+ but we were able to complete this renovation in only 2 months! If you have any questions about renovations or the logistics behind renovating a home please comment and I will respond!


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  1. The house sold for $1,869,000 and was purchased for $1,050,000. Approx. $400k in renovations, let's add another $150k in closing/soft costs. You're looking at around $269,000 profit, not bad for a 2 month turnover. Keep up the good work!

  2. Love your enthusiasm and passion for home renovation & flipping homes for profit. Congrats on your successful flip. One suggestion, perhaps moving forward you should consider employing a professional designer. Your final design seemed like a confused hodgepodge of different styles (modern rustic + contemporary + classic Mediterranean). That might be okay for flashy new money, but if you want higher profits you may want to implement a more cohesive & design or just fine tune your brand (look). IMO as a former interior designer and residential appraiser, there were just a lot of cosmetic choices made that will fall out of trend quickly or probably won't appeal to a larger more discerning pool of potential luxury RE buyers. However, your layout reconfiguration was right on the money. Again, congrats on your success!! Can't wait to see future flips.

  3. Business is business,like how u opened that house, more space and updates were lovely and modern, ♥️ how the backyard turned out. Keep up the work 👍 haters being hating but $$$ is real estate.

  4. Very good work my man, if you do see this. The turf in the back, is that fake turf? Or real grass. Genuinely curious as i would have done a concrete path straight off the door if it was real. Obviously its sold now but future homes would you consider privacy fencing in the front?

  5. Your editing of the final product is the best I’ve seen by far! The only thing I would do differently is tone down the wood slat walls. They are beautiful but should be used sparingly to make a statement. Like in the primary instead of slats maybe do tufted on the wall the bed would be up against. Just a small thing. Beautiful project though!!!!


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