─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Link on video
☆ puffy mug:
☆ connector scadis:
☆ Baggeb kabinet:
☆ Lennart rak besi:
☆ dummy book:
☆ sprei polos:
☆ vinyl floor:
☆ Gelas:
☆ alat makan(sendok dkk):
☆ mangkok:
☆ cermin:
☆ napkin:
☆ coaster:
☆ Piring:
☆ bedcover:
☆ Kain cover selimut:
haiii semua! thank u yang udah nonton video ini🥹 semoga kedepannya aku bisa sering2 upload video, dan untuk link barang2 nya udah ada di description box yaa💗💗 semoga bermanfaat!👋🏻👋🏻
Kak vinyl nya warna apa? Kakak habis berapa pcs?
Sisters music is haram❤
Step 1: have a room
Woah your hijab!
That's my dream room!
You end room>>>>>>
OMG I LOVE YOUR ROOM may i know where the headphones from?
kaa kamar kaka aku jadiin inspirasi bolehhh??
sebelumnya makasii
Wow I love you room I would like to have the same but pink plus are you Muslim like me if yes! Remember that music is haram
how cute and pretty is your room after the makeover. love the color choice you made, very clean and aesthetic🎉 done support too, hope you return the favor. 🎉🎉🎉🎉 you are very creative too
Way aku fan kau
Kak room tour dong
ka yang nnton orng luar semuaaaa
Tolong tutup kaki anda.
7:44 böcek var 😮😮
I love light blue🩵🩵🤍🤍
Aaaa aesthetic banget🎀
very very cute and cozy! Always remember to wash new things that are gonna touch your skin guys <3
Total renovasi kamar nya berapa kak?
Kasurnya ukuran berapa kak?
Finally, someone with my fav color
I really wish I could understand the subtitles..do you think maybe in the near future you coil add English subtitles? no rush
kak itu ukuran kasur sama kamarnya berapaa??
Where do buy the we bare bear figurines??
Sepupu kamu datang macam mana
Such cute😊
step 1 make an idea
Step 2 ask your parents
Step 3 be rich😂
Step 4do it
Step 5video your self
Step 6 edit
Step 7 DONE!!!!
Tempat sampah kita samaa
Kak plis mejanya dongg
kaa? pindahann rUumah ajaa yuu? bagUus bangett aslii,,
anywayy semangattt 🫨📎
vinyl nya habis berapa ya untuk ukuran kamar kakak
luas kamarnya berapa dan habis berapa vinyl ya kakk
Step one : have money
Step two : have your own room
I don’t understand the subtitles
kaaa mau nanya, font yg dipake buat edit video apa aja?? kucari nda ketemu :((
iii loooveee your roommm sm 🥹🩵
pls i wanted to know where did u get your study lamp (the white one)?? 🥹🩵🩵
Wah! bliliknya kamar sangat estetika banget je, aku pun juga suka warna biru sama daripada anda pilihannya. 🤩
Who here is broke…
ukuran kamarnya berapa
Definitely love your room after decor!!
Step 1:be rich.
Lemari baju kok ga ada sih?? Apa kamarnya ada 2 ruangan ya??
If you wanna partner in your next makeover, let us know!
Wow nice room ☺️😄
Love all the details 🥹💞💞💞
Devrim geçirdiii