Clearing Beds And Suprise Harvests! | Allotment Gardening UK



Autumn is definitely upon us, here in the UK! There is a real bite to the air, and the dark mornings have crept in. Summer is over, so it’s time to clear out some vegetable beds at the allotment in preparation for the winter season. It’s surprising what can still be harvested from a bed that looks like it’s an overgrown mess! I harvest Dill, Shallots, Spring Onions, Greek Gigantes, Good Mother Stallard Beans, Borage, Nasturtium, and some Dwarf French Beans. I take you back home with me with my basket of crops to show you how I make use of everything that I can from my allotment plot.

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I recently harvested apples from my garden and made cider –
This is how I freeze tomatoes –

I have created a new vegetable garden at home –


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  1. Hi Gemma,
    I don't know about you, but I always have mixed feelings about this time of year. It's the sadness of pulling out spent crops, but then the optimism that comes with clean beds and looking forward to the next wave. You did a good job clearing up the plot…. and the bonus of any surprise harvests are the best, don't you think?

  2. My garden is now being prepared for summer, I've just planted some early tomatoes (Early girl), some snap peas, and some lettuce, and I have finished my big spring garden weed after the winter and found all my leeks, cabbage, broccoli, beetroot and carrots that successfully wintered over, all healthy and ready to grow again and mature now the warmer weather is here. Your allotment is looking amazing – I love watching you tidy the beds and plan for the next growing period.

  3. It’s always loads of work , however filled with surprises when putting our beds to rest for the season. I did mine over the weekend as I was heading off to Croatia tomorrow so I needed to do everything a bit early for us in Nova Scotia. Enjoy your harvest , you’ve had a good year.

  4. Yikes Gerald would have a fit if I washed dirt down the sink 😂😂, perils of having a septic system. But all in all Gemma you have had a fab season 💪. Have a great week here’s to 2025 🎉, Ali 🌞🇨🇦

  5. Love that Gem! Great to see your little helper giving you a hand. We find the nasturtiums a bit to peppery for us but have been pickling the seeds to make poor mans capers.

    Have you tried regrowing spring onions on the windowsill? I normally put a bit of water in the bottom and change it every few days. I cut them down to about an inch when i am using it and pop them in a shot glass to grow again. I do that with leeks too.

    Feeling a bit bummed that we had to take down our tomatoes today because of blight! About 8kg to ripen, so they have been boxed up in 3 boxes with bananas, newspaper, etc Still have the tomato plants out front to do but they don't seem as bad. It just feels so wrong to be doing it this early already.

    Picked our kuri squash today and dug up the last two sweet peppers to overwinter.

    Not all too bad as the manure and compost arrives next week but might have to buy some cabbage and broccoli starts as we have had poor germination. We only have 3 tundra and one savoy that is of size atm. The rest are tiny. Getting some germination on sugar snaps now. 3rd time lucky but it kind of sums up this year really doesn't it.

    What is looking good atm? I think these mystery potatoes we got from Tesco. Tons of foliage, so hopefully that means party downstairs too! Hehe

    Is that a new sign or am i just not that observant/ forgetful?

    Anyway, hopefully we don't get that storm too much before the temps dip.

    Take care and have a lovely week! x

  6. Hi Gemma! We have alliums, salsify, carrots, peas, parsleys (curly, flat leaf, parsley root), chervil, strawberries, rhubarb, nasturtium, clancy potatoes are all still doing well after growing all Spring & Summer, but we are near our 1st frost date here in Michigan so some of them will be killed off soon if the usual pattern holds. It's been a gorgeous colorful cool Autumn here as per usual. Surprisingly my strike green beans & winged bean plants are still doing well, other green bean varieties died when Summer ended, & my asparagus pea plants never flowered this year for some reason, they'll fizzling out now. Our tomato & pepper plants are limping along, & I would have yanked them all out if not for them being loaded with fruit. I want to give as much time as possible to develop big peppers & tomatoes, that worked out well last October. I'd sown a lot of turnip & mustard greens for a late fall harvest, but the wretched tree rats have been running amok burying nuts in my beds so they ruined all the seedlings not long after they germinated. Voluntary dill & amaranth is popping up all over the place, but likely won't get to a big size in time. I do still have various bok choy, lettuce, spinach varieties on the grow table, & although one of the chipmunks has found a way to get up on the table, the damage so far is minimal.


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